
Sunday 3 September 2017


By Chinazaekpere Nnabugwu, your Anchor and Host. (Naza's Corner)

Dear Kingdom-minded, Success Driven Friends and Partners, recall that last week we started a discussion on attitude, which was titled: Attitude: A little thing that changes the direction of Life. You will also recall that we did not conclude discussion on the topic. We instead promised to continue with the discussion this week.

In case you did not read the one of last week please click on this link
Instead of continuing with the topic as it was phrased last week, I wish to plead with you to understand with me, as I have made some adjustments, hence the topic of today. The idea is to take you directly to the issue for discussion. Once again, please bear with me.

Having said that, let me formally welcome you on board today’s journey. Please fasten your seat belt, for a smooth take off and of course proper landing. 

Before I say any other thing on the topic of today, it is instructive to note, and essentially too, that the knowledge and understanding that the ability to overcome any situation, negative attitude inclusive lies in your ability to commit every situation to the Almighty God, through prayer.

In addition to the above, you are also expected to do the following: 

  • Belief in yourself. Accept the fact that you can learn, change and be better and also succeed
  • Monitor and discipline your thought on a moment-by-moment basis.
  • Understand that other people may have a good reason for doing something you don’t like.
  • Avoid being too critical of everything. Learn to try again if you fail. Nobody is perfect. This means you don’t have to be perfect either. Lighten up a little.
  • Accept those natural consequences that affect your life when you behave negatively, rather than blaming others.
  • Give other people a chance, even if they disappointed you in the past. Don’t conclude or assume that their intentions are always bad.
  • When you make any mistake, please accept, everyone makes, and your life won’t be over when you make them too. Most importantly, don’t blame your mistakes on someone else.
  • Since an average person, they say generates about 25,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day, it is obvious that you have very wide opportunity to concentrate on the positives. Please control your thought.
  • Learn to practice something I learnt from my father. He calls it: What Will Jesus Do (WWJD)? According to him, the only way to take control of your mind and check it from going negative is to focus it always on thinking of what Jesus will do in every circumstance.
  • Learn to be helpful to other children. When you do, other children will like you for it.
  • Focus more on doing more of those things that attract positive feedback to you and then watch or observe those wonderful feelings of acceptance grow right from inside of you.
  • Find something positive about every situation. It’s the best exercise for a positive attitude.
  • Always know that people are not better than you all round, there is an area of life you are better.
In conclusion, let me say that people with negative attitude make situations worse rather than improve them. Similarly children with negative attitude have been identified to possess one common attribute: “They easily turn others off.  

Till I come your way next time. Remain under the cover of God Almighty and do stay out of trouble!

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