
Wednesday 21 February 2018


By Chinazaekpere Nnabugwu 

Dear Kingdom minded, success driven Teens and Kids, join me here to extol the good works of a young Nigerian Lady Mercy Chuwang, popularly called “Aunty Mercy” by numerous admirers, many of whom are her seniors, But who have been won over by her wonderful works for Teens and Kids. 

Aunty Mercy is a Radio presenter or what I have come to know lately as On-Air-Personality (OAP), with a private radio station in Plateau state, where presently she Anchor’s “We are Jos Kids”, on the 104.3 Tin City FM in the capital city of Jos, the Plateau state capital and “Bible story for Kids”, which she anchor’s at the Agro-FM, a sister station located in Shandam Local Government Area of the state.

Aunty Mercy is stopping at nothing to carve, manage and sustain Teens and Kids oriented programmes to carter for both the educational and Spiritual needs of Teens and Kids in Plateau state. As Kingdom minded, success driven Teens and Kids, any programme that will help to grow us spiritually will certainly be of interest to us. Aunty Mercy is operating at full speed and supportively in tune with our focus of emerging as world beaters and globally celebrated Kingdom minded, success driven Teens and Kids.

Recently I brought you a report that my Boss, the amiable Aunty Mercy, was presented with an award as “Best overall Female presenter 2017”, in Plateau state. From my enquiries, Awards are given as special recognition for peoples’ good works and efforts in the society, and more importantly to spur them to do more. Aware of this she appears to be leaving no stone unturned to demonstrate her unflinching love for her works and the society in general and to prove the doubting Thomas’s, if any, that she merits all accolades, recognition and award bestowed on her; and her readiness to do even more. 
Forging ahead, I wish to on a very happy note bring to your notice another great leap in the success stories of my boss, the amiable award winner, celebrity and compatriot, Aunty Mercy Chuwang who has been doing a lot to expand the structure, reach and content of her child centered development oriented programmes in Plateau state and even beyond, especially the “Bible story for Kids”

As a follower of the programme, I noticed her unceasing interest and commitment towards realizing in full, the intendment of the letters of the Holy Book, the Bible where adherents of the Christian faith are enjoined in Proverbs 22:6, to: “Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it”. 

The way the programme is going, it is very obvious that Aunty Mercy is on a movement that portends well for the society. I decided to enquire from her the motivation behind the movement and her response apart from being instructive and enriching was also very profound. She said:

“I am very much in the know that the Almighty Lord has interest in the business of character building of the Child”. 

Her response prompted my desire to seek more enlightenment and clarification on the statement she made. The outcome of that enquiry rekindled my desire as a Kingdom minded, success driven Teen. As I have already pointed out in the referenced Bible passage in Proverbs 22:6, which is very popular to most Christians, I found another very interesting verse Ephesians 6:4:
“Provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord”

I therefore use this medium to encourage Teens and Kids in Plateau state and many others outside the state to embrace the programme Bible stories for Kids. I am aware that many of you on this Platform may not be able to access the station. On the strength of this, I have dedicated this Platform to bring the message of the programme to you and to spread other great works of Aunty Mercy Chuwang, my Boss. 

The programme, in name, design and content, captures our vision as Kingdom minded, success driven Teens and Kids. I wish therefore to call on us to draw the attention of our wonderful Parents to the programme and plead with them to sponsor any segments of the two programmes “We are Jos Kids” or “Bible story for Kids”. The programmes are rich and aimed at returning not just the Teens and Kids but the family unit to Jesus as God's instrument for divine interventions on earth.
Before concluding let I urge you to rise up, buckle your shoes, and fasten your seat-belts, to embrace these Kingdom oriented and success driven programmes “Bible stories for Kids” and “We are Jos Kids”. They are deliberately designed to groom us and give us a Christ centered living.

 Remain blessed...Ciao

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