
Sunday 4 March 2018


By Chinazaekpere Nnabugwu (Anchor and Host)

Yours truly, interviewing her Principal
I see the title of my write up as an exclamation and a question at the same time. I don’t know if there is any such expression in English language, but it describes the state of mind I was, immediately I was done with the assignment of interviewing my school Principal. 

As a matter of fact, it is a feeling that is still here with me days after. Going by the way it sticks very deep in my memory, this feeling will remain inside of me for a long time to come.
This heading is an exclamation because I actually shouted, though nobody seemed to have heard me. I have not seized to wonder why. I shouted loud enough. I heard it loud and clear. As soon as I was done interviewing my Principal, seated at the high table and in the full glare of many people right inside the popular Rwang Pam Township Stadium, in Jos, the Plateau state capital, I shouted! 

Similarly, I perceive the heading as a question. This is because I wondered at a point if the interview was over. Has it actually taking place and if it has, is it by me and for whom? 

This brief explanation is necessary because I felt that seeing the heading with exclamation and question marks at the same time, you might say what does this mean or how is it possible? 
St Paul's students at the Rwang Pam Township Stadium, Jos
As you can see, the heading is simply, a reflection of my state of mind immediately after the interview was conducted and thereafter. Mind you the interview was conducted for my Platform. I was not on any assignment for the school, for example the school magazine. I was also not representing any Media house that my Principal knew or was used to before the interview, but my own platform. 

When I was told that I would interview my Principal, my heart skipped. Let me pause here to ask:

Have you ever found yourself in any situation like this?
  • What was your reaction?
  •  Did you face the challenge? Or
  • Did you run away?
  • Are you faced by a similar challenge right now?
  • Are you about to chicken out? Or
  • Are you prepared to face it now?
Dear friends and success partners:
  • If you ran away then, do you think it was the right thing to do?
  • Are you re-considering your position now?
  • Are you set to revisit the situation?
  • Can you just make up your mind and confront your fears?
My charge to you is to go ahead and confront your fears. But remember as Kingdom minded Teens and Kids, we do not do it alone. Jesus Christ is our way. Once we rely on Him all other things would follow.

When I interviewed a journalist and a renowned Newspaper Publisher, I thought I had conquered the fear associated with interviewing big personalities and high profile individuals, until I was told to interview the Principal of my school Mrs. C.N Nwankwor, when I realized how wrong and untrue my assumption was. My take on this is that we don’t conquer fear at once but by training ourselves over and over again. 

The first question that came to my mind when the directive to interview her was given was how will I interview my Principal? The thought of this almost made me to jump out of myself. I was consumed by fear and uncertainty. And up till now I cannot say why. I was dumb founded for some time. Suddenly, three things came to my mind. The first was something I was thought when I interviewed the Publisher and Journalist, Prince Valentine Adese. I heard his voice ringing inside me, saying:

“Whenever you are interviewing someone, take charge. Take total control. You are the one in-charge. Don’t let him/her know you are scared. It does not matter who the person is”. 

The next thing I remembered was the very deep voice of my father, saying:

The onus always is for you to make impact. Whenever you are on any assignment the responsibility is on you to dictate the pace, to give it your best and to review your performance thereafter. Don’t ever wait for a second chance to give your best. Every assignment is an opportunity to give your best. It is your assignment if you are not capable you will not be chosen”.
I also recalled one of those expressions of my father vibrating in me. It says:

“I am not afraid of the masquerade because I know that if you throw matches on it a human being will run out of it”.

Armed with the above, I regained my composure and the rest is now history.

Dear Kingdom Minded, Success Driven Teens and Kids let me pause here to ask:
  • Do you think the advice of my father, and Prince Adese is for me alone?
  • Is there anything you can pick from them?
  • Do you agree that the ball is now in your court?
Before I conclude, let me say: up till now, I still can’t explain the reason behind my fear. But one thing I will not allow you to get away with is the notion that my fear could be for the reason that I have a very harsh Principal. On the contrary I have one of the most humane, caring, kind and compassionate human being as my Principal. She is indeed a mother to all of us in the school.

Till I come your way again! Bye for now.

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