
Friday 30 December 2022



The Couple: Dotun and Ada

It was indeed a very joyful moment, when the former Miss Ada Catherine Oduah, a young, vibrant and committed member of the St. Luke’s Cathedral Anglican Church, Jos Plateau State, and a renowned, celebrated and humble Teens instructor, Master Dotun Benson Fasanya, aka Mr. Dot, or Uncle Beautiful feet, of the St. Piran’s Anglican Church, also in Plateau State, exchanged marital vows, amidst support from the two families, friends and well-wishers, who thronged the event to share in the joy of the two heartthrobs, as they said “I do, I do”, at the St Luke’s Cathedral, Anglican Church, Jos.

The special Church service was conducted by an array of notable Ministers of God with the Cathedral Priest, Bishop of Jos Anglican Diocese and Dean St. Luke’s Cathedral – Arch Bishop Benjamin Argak Kwashi as the lead. Others were: Prof. Pic Owochei, Cathedral of St. Luke’s, Dr. Ephraim Gongden, Emmanuel Church, and Dr. Austin Eboh, St. Pirans Church, all Venerable and Vicars of their respective Churches. Reverends Canon Tim. Olonade, Akinsulire Ayo, Namnman Donzhi, Joshua Madaki, Jerome Tarbee were the other Anglican Priests, in Jos that graced the event.

The first Bible reading, taken at exactly 10am, from the book of Colosssians 3:12–17, preceded the bridal march that ushered in the beautiful bride, beaming with smiles as she gracefully walked down the aisle, with her charming and elegantly dressed bridal train. Shortly after, the Groom and his men followed. There was also introduction and declaration by Master Dotun and Miss Ada, who swore to take each other as wedded partners, and went on to exchange marital vows and rings. The presiding Priest thereafter called on the congregation to support the newly wedded with prayers. They equally, promised not to be a source of distraction to the home. After this, the Priest prayed for the couple.

The Couple, Best man and Chief bridesmaid 

Ven. Prof. Pic Owochei, who conducted the wedding event, gave his sermon, based on the reading from Genesis 24:62-67, and used Isaac and Rebekah as a case study for a Godly couple. On the basis of this, he educated the newly wedded couple on what constitutes a Christian marriage, and therefore charged them to be responsible and worthy examples of the Christian faith by keeping to their marital vows, and to be a symbol of honour to the marriage institution, their families, friends and the church as an institution. The priest pointed out clearly that a Christian marriage comes with its own challenges and a lot of responsibilities. He emphasized that it is only those who depend wholly in Christ that overcome the challenges. He then enjoined the couple to make the Holy Book, the Bible an inseparable companion, in good and bad times, and therefore, urged them to use it as their guide always.

Speaking further to the newly wedded, the clergy noted that in a Christian marriage, the woman goes to be with her husband and not the other way round. This according to the Priest, includes, going to worship with him in his church. It also entails that she accepts his vision for life and is willing to work towards achieving it. A wise wife like Rebekah, the Priest pointed out, does not come into a family to destroy the relationship that has been built for many years. Like Rebekah, the Christian wife descends from the horse to meet her husband. Elaborating this further, the Priest noted very clearly that the horse might be a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle of the wife’s parents, in her former home, or the now trending philosophies of women liberation. The Priest also admonished her on the need to always encourage her husband (Dotun) to be close to his family and to take good care of them, as well as relate closely with them.

The Bride and few of her bridal train

Done with the side of the woman (Ada), it was now the turn of the Man, Mr. Dotun. The clergy was emphatic when he said “the man must know what his vision, calling, philosophy of life and purpose is, and understand them properly before he can be helped/assisted by his wife. Drawing attention to the Bible, he observed “when God created Adam, He (God) gave him (Adam) a job and created the woman (Eve), to assist him in carrying out the task. The Priest did not mince words, when he noted that the Man (Dotun), also has the responsibility of developing his wife spiritually, and bringing her closer to God. He must ensure she does not miss the way of righteousness and that she has a better relationship with God, always, the Priest admonished. Still on the Man, the Priest pointed out that he is expected to wash any dirt or Sin in her with the Word of God. According to the Priest, God has a purpose for every couple. As the Man, he has to identify the purpose and drive his family towards achieving it. If the Man decides to copy the pattern his father used, in order to raise a replica of his father’s family, he has failed. A man like Isaac, who will raise a successful home must feed his soul consistently with the word of God. He must have a personal relationship with God, reduce his sleeping time, and meditate more on the word of God, and importantly, should have three alters: personal, couple’s and family. Bringing his voice to a sonorous one, as if to allow the words simmer very deep, the Priest told the Man (Dotun) “must put his wife first in his heart and make her the closest person to him. 

As soon as the sermon was concluded, the new couple, the Fasanyas: Mr. and Mrs. Ada Catherine and Dotun Benson Fasanya, were presented to the church and congratulated. This was followed by different presentations, especially, by the various groups they belong. The first was a song titled See What The Lord Has Done by the youths of mission team, which Ada was the president. Before their song, they expressed their Joy for her and confessed that they will miss her wonderful contributions. After more accolades on her, they prayed for the new family. The marriage counselling committee was next in line.  They presented a gift and advised the couple to put everything they have been taught by the committee and the words of the clergy into practice. The Girls guild were called to make their presentation. Like the mission team, they expressed their joy for Mrs. Fasanya who was a very active member of St. Luke’s Cathedral Girls Guild before her wedding. They also prayed for the new couple to have a happy and very successful marriage, and in particular, urged Ada to make them proud by putting to use all she learnt in the Girls guild. Thereafter they presented their gift, held hands and sang the Girls Guild Anthem with her, a rendition that made all present feel for the girls.

As soon as the above was concluded, thanksgiving followed. The couple and their well-wishers danced joyfully in the presence of the Almighty God, thanking and praising him for what He did, after which, a hymn was sang. Thereafter, the couple knelt at the Alter for prayers. The congregation prayed for them, followed by all the ministers that officiated the event, who prayed for them individually.

Finally, Ven. Prof. Pic Owochei, offered, and afterwards congratulated the newly wedded couple and in particular reminded her former member, the new wife, Ada that she has been a very active member of the church. As if he was trying to secure a final promise from her, the clergy said “I believe you will be good in your new church”? He then sent her out in the name of the Lord, the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He thereafter appreciated, very specially the Bridesmaid, who came all the way from the United States, to honour and support a friend. In a related development, the clergy, encouraged the youths of the church to live well and imbibe all the principles of Christ that are taught in the church, so that when they are leaving due to marriage or relocation abroad or anything else, they (the church) will be proud to send them out and to welcome them whenever they visit.

The recessional hymn was sang, and the couple marched out first, followed by the choir and then the ministers. Outside the Church, but within the Church premises, pictures were taken by the new couple with their families, church members, friends, co-workers and other well-wishers.

The wedding event did not go without the wonderful rendition of hymns and songs, as the Anglican Church is reputed for. Among the numbers rendered  were: Great Is Thy Faithfulness which was used for the procession, God Give us Christian homes which was used for joining the couple, Psalm 128 was chanted, Master Speak Thy Servant Hearth as hymn for sermon, O Perfect Love and Shine Jesus Shine used for recession, all led by the choir. The praise team of St. Luke’s Cathedral also rendered some songs of praise while the signing of marriage register and certificates was being done.

Report by Nnabugwu Chinazaekpere


  1. Thanks Daily Bugle, I really appreciate your encouragement.

  2. I love your choice of words and expressions. Good job! And to the couple, I wish the best in their married life.
