
Tuesday 14 February 2023



Copied Picture from the internet 

Dubem Anthony Jr. (DJ) was still waiting on her best friend, Omawunmi Kolade’s dad. Since her dad had decided to be absent from her life and her mum was usually busy with work, Wunmi’s dad would pick them up from school. Surprisingly, her very strict mum was okay with it.

Sooner than fifteen minutes later, Mr. Kolade was in the school parking lot.

‘Oya Hurry up! I have a meeting by 7 this evening. I want to get some rest before then.’ He said looking at his shiny wristwatch. It looked expensive and it probably was.

‘Good afternoon Daddy,’ Wunmi hugged her father in the front seat.

‘Good afternoon Uncle,’ DJ greeted as she stepped into the Range Rover Autobiography. She knew what model the car was because Omawunmi wouldn’t let her hear the last of it.

‘Afternoon. How was school?’ He asked buckling his seatbelt. 

‘Fine,’ DJ smiled.

‘Awful!’ Wunmi yelled.

‘Ah ahn, what happened?’ He laughed with his eyes fixed on the road.

DJ watched as the duo in front of her laughed and talked about how their days went. She admired their relationship, she craved for it. She hadn’t seen her dad in years. Last week, she had gotten into a fight with her classmate because the girl had said that DJ was an illegitimate child. Even though she would never say it, she blamed her dad for everything.

‘Come down na. Do you want to sleep in the car?’ Wunmi startled her, bringing her back to the present. They were already at Wunmi’s home. It drive was at least ten minutes and she spent all the time daydreaming of her father’s return.

Everyone was inside the house now. Wunmi was in her room changing her clothes. She was about to head off for her routine choir practice. Wunmi had an awesome singing voice. DJ prised that about her friend. Mostly because she didn’t get to go to church. Sunday was like a day off work for her mum. 

DJ was at the dining doing her homework and Mr. Kolade was taking a bath upstairs.

‘You can help me do mine,’ Wunmi begged playfully, taking a seat in the dining. She bent to tie her shoelaces.

‘Ahbi,’ DJ smiled in response.

‘Toh since you won’t help me, I’m going,’ Wunmi said standing up.

‘As if my helping you will make you remain here,’ DJ replied focusing on her homework.

‘Bye bye joor’ Wunmi said taking some chips from the table. Her friend was obviously not touching her assignment.

‘Bye,’ DJ said, finally lifting her head up. She watched Wunmi’s back as she walked away. Soon the house was filled with silence. The only sound that was audible was that of the clock ticking in the living room. DJ was now done with most of her assignments. She was tired and bored. 

‘Dubem are you still around?’ She heard Mr. Kolade ask from the living room, just before she placed her head on the table. She wanted to sleep.

‘Yes sir!’ she answered.

‘Okay, good. Please come,’ he called. She ran to answer him but reduced her pace when she saw him half-naked in nothing but a towel. He was seated on the sofa with the TV remote beside him.

‘Has my daughter gone for her singing rehearsals?’ he asked.

‘Yes, she left some minutes ago,’ DJ brought herself to say. She wasn’t sure why the moment was awkward. Was it because of the unusual way he was dressed? Or because of the way he looked at her? No one had ever looked at her that way. His eyes made her uncomfortable.

‘Come, come and sit on my lap,’ he offered as he widened the space between his laps. DJ wondered why he wanted her to sit on him. She wasn’t a baby and there were more chairs in the living room. However she obeyed him. She trusted this man. He had picked her up from school for three years and also treated her and his daughter equally.

‘Are you comfortable,’ he asked her. Her body stiffened the moment her butt touched his lap. 

‘Mm hmm’ she nodded in response.

Mr. Kolade proceeded to rub her waist with his hands. Then he lifted her up while firmly holding her waist. His torso was in-between her legs and her arms held his shoulders reflexively for support. For the first time, she noticed how well-built and muscular Mr. Kolade was. 

His hands slowly began to slide down her skirt. They didn’t stop until they reached her butt. DJ’s eyes were wide in shock and her body stiffened even more. She could hear her own heartbeat in her ears. Why was her best friend’s father holding her up in the air in such a questionable position and most importantly, why was he touching her the way he was? 

DJ was still thinking of answers when she saw Mr. Kolade was bringing his face dangerously closer to hers. He closed his eyes. Was he going to kiss her? 

Oh Lord! She had heard some of her friends fantasize about how amazing their first kiss would be and her’s was going to be with a man three times her age. DJ was in a state of panic, yet, she did absolutely nothing. Just as his lips were about to touch hers…


Never in DJ’s life had she been that happy to hear the sound of the horn of her mother’s car. She was saved by the horn! She immediately jumped down from the man’s arms, grabbed her school bag from the adjacent chair and exited, leaving her homework on the dining table.

To be continued...

Story by Sona Camille 

Dear Teens and Kids thank you for visiting 

Please remember to leave your comment on the commentary box, and to continue reading Sona. The story is just beginning.


  1. Lolz why you using Wunmi

    1. Just a random name dear..............................................

  2. Nice piece💟

  3. Not bad. Keep it up💯
