
Monday 20 March 2023


Cutting of cake By the Elderly Women
Mothering Sunday is a special day, often the 4th Sunday during lent. The day is set aside for the celebration of mothers and motherly figures. On this day, children usually give their mothers flowers and gifts to show their appreciation of the love, sacrifices and care extended to them.

This year’s Mothering Sunday, which fell on March 19, 2023, has as its theme “You Shall Reap the Fruit of Your Labour.” This was taken from the Holy book, the Bible in Psalm 128:3.

The St. Piran’s Anglican Church in Jos, the Plateau State capital was were your darling Platform, the home for the Kingdom-minded, success-driven Teens and Kids, represented by your Anchor/Host celebrated this event. This serves as a subtle reminder for you to be inviting us to cover events of your church and other activities of interest to the Kingdom minded Teens and Kids.

Mrs. Eboh Margaret giving the sermon

I can tell you authoritatively that the St. Piran’s Anglican Church Jos, celebrated the mothers with a lot of activities. The various ways the men, the children and the women themselves celebrated the day bring refreshing memories.

After the procession of the priests and choir, the introit, Call to worship session, reading of Psalm, first and second lessons, the sermon followed.

Mothers Praise Team

The sermon which was given by Mrs. Eboh Margaret, the Mama yard of St. Piran’s Anglican Church Jos, was titled “Hope,” and drawn from the book of John 9:1-7 of the Bible. Speaking to the church during the Sermon, mama yard charged the Christian women to be agents of hope and change to the Church, the Christian family and the society and to remain vessels in the hand of God, and instrument of honour, peace and support to their husbands, as well as worthy Ambassadors of their respective families and urged them to be the reason their spouse will consistently give praises to the name of the Lord Almighty. This according to the Preacher will require the Mothers to live their lives reflecting the wonder of Christ always. To the rest of the congregation, she reminded them of the need to support the Christian women generally to be the true agents of Christ.

Dr. Mrs. Ndubuisi Ijeoma

Mrs. Oyeyinka

A variety of presentations showcasing the beauty and contributions of women in various facets of life were made by the children, men and women. The presentations included a play let and a song titled “Tobechukwu” which means praise God and a hymn titled “God Give us Christian Homes” by the women, a wonderful rendition of song with beautifully coordinated dance steps by the children and a heartwarming and soul lifting speech by the men. The excitement, passion and deeper reflection about motherhood which these presentations expectedly brought, aroused the interest of the church, throwing the entire congregation agog and heightened the tempo of other activities, an indication truly of the central and very vital place of the Christian Mother. The Holy Spirit filled and Christ centered joyful mood that enveloped the church after the presentations was aggravated by the level of happiness that followed the cutting of cake (baked by one of the mothers), thanksgiving and vote of thanks by the women who generously thanked the men, the children and the church for the show of love, support and encouragement. They equally praised the Almighty Lord for His Grace, protections and unmerited favour to them.

Dr. Mrs. Agomoh Ngozi

The icing on the cake - presentation of gifts and flowers (grown by one of the mothers) to the mothers and the performance of a choreographed dance by the teenagers were other activities of the day. Afterwards, the prayers were said, followed by the benediction of the clergy. Thereafter, the church recessed and the team of the clergy and chancel choir filed out, signaling the end of the entire event. 

Mama Yard and Mrs. Gotom

This piece will not be complete without recognizing the wonderful contributions of Mrs. Oranye Ihunnaya, Mrs. Babatunde Dolapo and Mrs. Nwobi Roseline, mothers that have devoted their time and several other resources for the grooming of Kingdom minded teenagers (God-fearing, responsible and responsive future mothers and fathers). 

Nnabugwu Chinaza

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