
Sunday 2 April 2023


Whatever it is that you have for the teens and kids, ensure they are Kingdom minded. With this, they are fortified to withstand any shock. Equip them thereafter with any other skills and  capacity you want, they are good to go. 

In a previous publication posted on this Platform, I raised the issue of alleged suicide by a Nigerian teenager, an incident that was widely reported in the media, especially, the new or social media. According to the reports, the alleged suicide was the aftermath of the February 25th, 2023, Presidential Election, conducted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). 

Going by reports, the alleged incident occurred after the result of the Election was announced and winner declared by the INEC. Please note that this Platform, and the growing list of the Kingdom minded, success driven teens and kids, are focused on matters of interest to teens and kids. We are not directly or indirectly concerned with the issues of the party that wins and the candidates that will perform or the one that will not. These issues and others like them, are way off the goals and objectives of this Platform. 

Our focus, with regard to the election, and the suicide issue, particularly the reported circumstance that allegedly led to the death, by suicide of a teen. This ugly development has no doubt thrown the Kingdom minded teens and kids of this Platform into a very painful and worrisome situation. As the anchor/host of the platform, I have seen the need for us to swing into action immediately. 

This above will require us to delve urgently into seeking opportunities and identifying in specific term the programmes, the actual role and the exact activities to embark on, in the build up to start addressing the very ugly incident where a teen committed suicide after the result of a contest was announced and a winner declared.

I do not harbour any restriction in my conclusion that the path of suicide is surely not a way to begin, and not a way to go either. The Kingdom minded teens and kids, do not, and will never reckon with suicide and murder of any kind, or anything near them. We abhor them totally, and never will view them as problem solving mechanism for the teens and kids. The Holy Book, the Bible, in both old and New Testaments, has the solution for every problem, including disappointments. 

Prepare them to acquire skills and to cooperate effectively with other teens and kids. As Kingdom minded teens and Kids, when the chips are down, there will always be people to share the moment with, relieve the ugly experience and bounce back. Suicide is never an option

The Bible, at different portions, places and times, through various incidences, conditions and circumstances, educated the true followers and believer about the various forms, shapes and sizes of challenges that may confront mankind, including the teens and kids, but also raised the standard to deal with them. The Kingdom minded teens and kids, as Bible believers are never in the dark, in trouble times. The Bible, apart from equipping the Kingdom minded against challenges of life, it equally lightens the burden, and provides lasting solutions, and create the room for the lost to be found and saved from eternal death and damnation. 

As the leading Kingdom minded teens and kids platform; bearing the above in mind, and armed with the awareness that the Bible provides, in particular for the protection and elongation of the life of teens and kids, we teach, build and sustain teens and kids to not just accept and embrace but to understand the fact that disappointments are parts and parcel of life. With the right insight and proper perspectives through biblical teachings, the kingdom minded teens are build to see the beautiful lessons and huge benefits that challenges of different kinds harbour and present to the Kingdom minded, success driven teens and Kids. 

Our concern, therefore, in relation with the alleged suicide, reportedly carried out or committed by a teen, is the role and how we shall play it, to be able to make reasonable impact in the efforts to disarm and discourage other teens with a similar tendency from towing the suicide path. Our role in this regard, is to eliminate the vice (suicide), by as a matter of fact erasing from the minds of the younger generation the thought of suicide.

In addition to the above we are striving very hard to build, strengthen and promote a structure where the emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of the teens and kids are deeply developed and their confidence, hopes and aspirations are beefed up to align fictionally with the dictates and tenets of the Bible, so as to position them effectively for self-actualization and very meaningful contributions to life.

I therefore, urge the Kingdom minded teens and kids reading this piece to see themselves as being on a call to serve the teens and kids, and empower them with the word of life, providing as supportive ingredient the suiting balm that your exemplary lifestyle will add to their own life, as remedy for the nasty experience that relationships outside the cycle of the Kingdom minded teens and Kids offer. 

Kids brought up as Kingdom minded, have the confidence and capacity  to overcome shock. Start early in their life to build them the Kingdom way.  The gains are many

Before signing off, let me inform you first and foremost, my fellow teens and kids that there is work to be done, so as to rescue fellow teens and kids,  from the clutches of very destructive tendencies and debilitating attitudes, which life outside Kingdom mindedness can assume. 

In the previous publication, I out rightly condemned the alleged suicide by the teen, and also invited you to lend your voice by also condemning the action. Similarly, you were required to get more involved in the discourse. In this regard, you were requested to perform an action. You were to answer questions raised in the publication. In case you have not visited and read the previous publication, it is obvious that you are yet to carry out the brief assignment.

Please click this link:

Read, answer the questions that came with the piece and make other contributions that you wish.

We are anxiously waiting for your esteemed contributions to the issues.

As a reminder, let me draw your attention again that the alleged suicide is a wake up call to all the Kingdom minded, success driven teens and Kids. The incident is a glaring indication that the work required of us is huge. If we must be celebrated for dismantling the structures of the enemy, and dislodging him totally from his attempt to have a strong grip on the affairs of the teens and kids, we must step out to be counted.

Till I come your way next time, stay out of trouble. I remain your Anchor/host:

Nnabugwu Chinaza



  1. Nice piece of writing you've got there 💯

  2. Thank You Longji. Please endeavor to invite other teens and kids to share their experiences with us here on this platform so that we can learn from each other in our journey of growing up as good ambassadors of the kingdom.
