
Sunday 4 June 2023


Saturday May 27th, 2023 was indeed a great and memorable day in the lives of Mr. Kennedy K. Shaiyen and former Miss Prophecy Yamusa, two heart throbs, who on that day observed with their own eyes, in their lives and in their own event, the reality of the greatest mathematical equation mystery: 1+1=1. 

A week after their transmutation from Kennedy and Prophecy to KECY Shaiyen, the couple reveals the incident was real.The transmutation was so amazing that when it occurred, Kennedy and Prophecy in the midst of the large congregation that gathered to witness the mystery, could only but succumb totally to the divine encounter with the roots strongly and deeply-seated in the most wonderful true story in the whole World, the Holy book, the Bible. 

The manifestation of the mandate took place seamlessly that when the call for Kennedy and Prophecy to testify to it was made, they did so wilfully, joyfully and graciously through their affirmative action, the declaration of "I Do, I Do" amidst support from family members, friends and well-wishers. 

The solemnization which took place at the St. Piran's Anglican Church, Jos, the Plateau State capital, was officiated by  notable Ministers of God, under the authority of the Anglican Bishop of Jos, The Most Reverend Benjamin A. Kwashi. Before the angelic procession by the most beautiful, elegantly dressed lady in the hall that day, the radiant bride Prophecy, with charming smiles on her face that made her astonishing and ravishing, walked down the aisle with the father beside her, there was a brief performance by the guest Horn's Men. Soon before the bride processed in, the magnificently dressed, handsome, calm and very calculative, easy going looking young Bridegroom had matched into the St. Pirans Church Sanctuary, in a majestically appealing and very glorious manner. 

At the altar, the officiating Ministers led by the Vicar, St. Pirans Anglican Church Jos, Ven. Austin Eboh were totally in control of the proceedings. 

With the acknowledgement and warm reception of the Clergy to the superbly dressed, organized, and quietly seated members of the congregation, present in the Church to witness and celebrate with the celebrants, the lead minister, Ven. Eboh took off on a sound footing and maintained the tempo throughout the event.

After enquiring from the congregation if there was any reason why Kennedy and Prophecy would not be lawfully joined together in holy matrimony, he urged the congregation to declare it at that time, or forever remain silent. In the ensuing silence that enveloped the environment and the absence of any response from the congregation, the Priest proceeded, this time demanding to know from Kennedy and Prophecy if there was any reason they knew why they should not be lawfully wedded as husband and wife, to which they answered no. On the question of taking each other as the rightful partner, Kennedy and Prophecy responded in the affirmative - yes, saying they will love, cherish, honour, and protect each other, in sickness, health, poverty and prosperity, forsaking all others, to be faithful as long as they live.

The hymn God Give us Christian Homes was sang, after which the Priest called for who was giving Prophecy out for marriage and the father signalled his presence, stepped forth and handed his daughter Prophecy to the priest who later handed her over to the groom. After all other necessary formalities, the marriage proper took place with the exchange of marital vows by Kennedy and Prophecy saying to each other "I take you to be my partner, to have and to hold. From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to Cherish, until parted by death, according to God's Holy law."

The exchange of the token of their love and commitment to each was made. Following instructions of the Priest, they (Kennedy and Prophecy) took their turns to place the ring on each other's fourth finger saying "I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage and a token of my love and fidelity to you. With my body I honour you, all that I am I give to you and all that I have I share with you, within the love of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit," and the large congregation joined them to say, Amen! 

The newly wedded couple was asked to kneel down and the priests, parents of the couple, and the congregation blessed them through prayers. The priest then handed the Bride, now Mrs Kennedy Shaiyen to the groom's parents who welcomed her into their fold as a full family member, with words full of acceptance, advice and encouragement, and promised to support her spiritually, emotionally and mentally, morally and physically always.

There was a Bible passage read by the couple, afterwhich the sermon was given by Ven. Dr. Austin Eboh the Vicar of St. Pirans Anglican Church, Jos. There was also signing of marriage register and certificate, and beautiful rendition of songs by the St. Pirans Chancel Choir and St. Pirans Praise Team. 

The highlight of the event came with a thunderous applause that revealed the degree of admiration exhibited by the large congregation, when during a song rendition, Kennedy left his position to be with the drummer while his wife Prophecy, stepped forward and joined the duet and both took the entire congregation like a storm with Kennedy drumming skilfully and Prophecy singing so melodiously to the glory of the Lord Almighty and the amazement of all at the event. 

There were other presentations. The Women's Fellowship of St. Piran's Church, led by Mama Yard, Mrs. Eboh Margaret, made a presentation. Mr. Oyeyinka Oyerinde, the Vicar's Verger of the Church, made a presentation on behalf of the ministers and St. Piran's Church, Jos.

Benediction was by Ven. Dr. Eboh. This was followed by announcements, after which the groom and his wife thanked all for supporting them. Thereafter, the guest Horn's Men were invited to play the recessional song. Following this, the newly wedded couple danced joyfully to the Lord, while the happy congregation honoured them with a standing ovation, followed by praises of hallelujah to the Lord. The Ministers afterwards recessed, while the different groups and individuals took pictures with the newly wedded couple and the entire event ended gloriously.

Please click this link for more pictures on the making of the couple

Nnabugwu Chinazaekpere

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