
Saturday 8 June 2024


Good day dearly beloved friends on this platform and happy new month to you. 

I hope you are all well and have continued to be good ambassadors of the kingdom.

One key thing we keep emphasizing on this space is the need for us to develop the habit of documenting our experiences and to always seek out the lessons in the activities we engage in, events we attend, things that happen to us, movies we watch, situations we find ourselves in, and in numerous other things we get involved with. 

In that light, I recently watched a movie titled 'Prophet Suddenly' produced by 'The Winlos,' a Christian couple known for creating christian Content. 

After watching and reflecting deeply on the movie, I have been able to draw out some lessons which I have decided to share with you, my esteemed friends and so dear Kingdom minded, success driven Souls. 

As you read, do so with an open mind.  Read to learn, strive to retain what you learnt from your reading and seek out the opportunities to deploy your lessons for enrichment of the Kingdom.


  1. Be careful what your aspirations and desires are, the devil can use them to rubbish you. 
As kingdom minded teens and kids, we ought to ensure that our thoughts are also kingdom worthy. Any deviation from that can create an opening for the devil to creep in, and we know of course that anything that has to do with the devil always brings disgrace and destruction. 

   2. Be careful with your intentions, especially, when you claim to want to do  things for God. Check your heart to  ensure that it is truly God you want to serve and not to service your ego or become famous.

It's very easy for us to say we want to work for God, to do this and that for Him, but it is equally easy for  the cravings of our hearts to deviate from that.  In view of this, the need to guard our hearts well in order to prevent becoming overwhelmed by the sinful nature of our flesh can never be overemphasized. The aim should be to do the work of Christ, if doing so brings fame, riches and recognition, the Lord be praised and all glory be to Him, but if not, so be it. 

(Proverbs 4:23) And keep watch over your heart with all care; so you will have life.

   3. To be able to bind and resist the devil and his companions, you must be saturated with God's word, and deeply rooted in God. (James 4:7)

As God's children, we need to fill our hearts and minds with God's word so that when temptation comes we can boldly resist the devil. On the contrary,  without having God's word and faith, we are as good as empty vessels, and resisting or binding the devil in that state will only give room for him to mock us as we would simply be doing what empty vessels do - making loud noise.  

   4. Be careful of the gatherings you attend in the name of church, fellowship or crusade, not all places where miracles, signs and wonders are performed are of God. - Test all spirits.

With the increasing number of gatherings claiming to be churches and men of God/ Prophets popping up here and there, and the many crusades and deliverance services they organize, it can be very difficult to detect which are authentic, i.e.  of God, and which are not.  The Bible however warned us ahead of time about false prophets in the last days, who would perform miracles, signs, and wonders but who are servants of the devil. The Bible also instructed us to test all spirits, not just believing them by the words of their mouth. This is not something we can achieve on our own, by our own power or strength but by the help of the Holy Spirit. 

  5. Be prayerful (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Pray without ceasing is the instruction to us Christians from the Bible. It is very important, something we can't stay without. This is because: 

  • Prayer keeps us connected to God and close to Him. 
  • Prayer also charges our spirit to be able to face battles, obstacles and overcome temptation.
  • Thus, prayer changes us to suit situations or changes situations to suit us.

   6. Study God's Word at all times, make it's habit.  (2 Timothy 2:15)

Studying God's word constantly equips us with the tools we need for spiritual warfare. When we study God's word, we'll constantly be reminded of His instructions to us and we'll  have weapons to fight the battles we encounter. (Ephesians 6:10 - 13)

   7. Pray for the Holy Spirit's direction and guidance, without it, detecting false prophets can be difficult or even impossible. 

False prophets will definitely be in the world here, the Bible foretold us of them. With mere human wisdom, it might be impossible to detect them as they are usually very deceptive and do things in God's name, they behave just like the true ones do. With the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can be protected from falling victim to them. 

   8. Mind the company you keep, apart from pressurising you to do wrong, they can attract negative to spirits to you. 

Most times,  we are told to stay away from bad company because 'bad company corrupts good manners.' This is very true. However, it is not the only disadvantage of having them,  they can also attract negative spirits to us, and gradually we might become affected by these negative spirits. 

   9. Resist the devil and all his enticing gifts, stay away from thoughts, words, deeds, places, people, etc., that tempt you. His gifts bring nothing but destruction.

Nothing good comes out of a relationship with the devil. He only brings shame, destruction and regrets.  Therefore, we as kingdom minded teens and kids are to resist him as much as we can. Remember what John 10:10a says:

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.

Remember that it is easier not to have anything with the devil than to plan to do business with him for some time and back off, he doesn't behave that way, his method is once you're in you're in, and once you are out you are out, so try as much as possible not to start with him at all, don't give him a chance because you'll need to do more to back off than to get in.

   10. Remember that God's arms are always wide open to welcome back sinners who repent and return to Him. His love is unending and beyond human comprehension. Therefore, to those who might have been dining with the devil and want to turn away from him but are discouraged/afraid, there is room for repentance. God is always ready to accept any lost but found sheep back to the fold. 

Till I come your way next time, I remain yours truly Nnabugwu Chinazaekpere saying byeee... 

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