Friday 28 June 2024


Anchor Doing A Presentation for Father's Day Celebration 

Hi lovely friends. How has your week been? I believe it's been great. Mine has been a wonderful week, filled with lots of Godly inspired lessons.

I don't know what part of the World you are reading Onesquare from and how the weather is over there, but here in Jos, the capital City of Plateau State, North Central Nigeria where I live, it's been raining heavily lately as the rainy season has fully set in. As I write this piece, it has been raining cats and dogs for over two hours now. As a result, the weather has been a little chilly. You can say the Jos weather of the present is partly a strong motivator to the work you are reading.

This just shows how wonderful God is. May His name alone be praised for blessing us with different seasons and weathers that support us to live comfortably and have our needs met (eg. food) in this world which He - the sovereign Lord, has also created. Farmers have been so excited as this is that time of the year that affords them the opportunity to obey God's instruction to man (both male and female) in the garden of Eden - ...till the soil and cultivate the ground.... 

Having said that/Away from that, let's now delve into our topic for discussion today. 

We'll be looking at something I'm pretty sure all of us, or a good number of us at least have experienced. It's something that makes one feel really really bad when it happens. It can be so bad that if not properly managed, might more often than not lead to withdrawal from family, friends and the rest of the society. We'll in addition to talking about it, see what we are expected to do/how we are expected to handle it when it happens us as God's children. 

Curious to find out what it is?  

...please read on...

One thing that's very certain about us humans is that we are not perfect, in fact there is only one perfect being - God, who created us and everything on earth. As a result of our imperfections,  we often make mistakes in life that we soon regret in the future. This feeling of regret as we may all know is awful, and often makes the victim to feel very low and eventually, if not properly handled may lead to depression - which is an entirely different topic. 

As ambassadors of this platform, and more importantly, as God's children, we shouldn't let our past hunt us so much,  to the point of depression. We should rather reflect on those things that happened and find out what went wrong or what we did wrong, and seek how we can improve on them and implement the result gotten from the search. We should also seize such opportunities and make judicious use of them by seeking the lessons that God has for us from such experiences. Doing so, or approaching such situations as stated above does not  relieve us of the pain or take it away completely, NO,  instead it lightens us up, and kind of also lightens the burden of the situation and also helps us improve on ourselves. It equally  lowers the risk of falling a victim of depression which has diverse horrible and devastating effects on people. 

In a nutshell, it helps and strengthens us to better manage the situation thereby coming out of it still being sane. 

Another vital thing we need to learn is how to forgive ourselves or others that had a hand in the situation and move on, we don't have to be prisoners of our past. 

Rick Warren - a seasoned Christian author, in his book, Purpose Driven Life said: "We are products of our past but we don't have to be prisoners of it. God's purpose is not limited by your past."

We need to constantly remind ourselves that though we are products of our past, we don't have to be prisoners of it. No matter how bad it might seem, we should constantly remind ourselves also that God's love is still very sufficient for us. He loves us just the way we are, in spite of our imperfections. God has a purpose for creating each of us, and guess what, there is a good news - His purpose is not limited by our past provided we are willing to let Him rule our heart through repentance. So why bemoan so much? Elsa in the popular Disney cartoon 'Frozen' said: "... the past is in the past, let it go...." 

Let bygones be bygones. Get up and put a smile on that face because you can still fulfill that grand, great and unique purpose that God has for your life. 

He is our creator and therefore fully aware of those imperfections in us. He loves us regardless and would gladly and willingly help us to get back on our feet if we are willing to obey Him and to follow His commands, to live for His praise and glory. 

Are you currently in this situation, thinking you've made the worst of mistakes or you are the worst in human history? Are you probably in this situation and thinking that all hope is lost and no one will ever accept you?  Are you bemoaning and telling yourself that all hope is lost for you because there are no stairs currently in view for you to climb back up? Do you think that there is no one to help you up? 

Weep no more dear brother, cry no more precious sister, bemoan no more dearly beloved friend, there is good news for you which is: all hope is not lost. 

There is a popular saying here in Nigeria (I don't know about your location) that goes thus: as long as there is life, there is hope. As Kingdom minded teens and kids and ambassadors of God's kingdom, I think it would be proper for us to add to/modify it a little, thus: as long as there is an Almighty living God in Heaven, there is hope. 

All you need is to trust Him and believe in His son, be committed to obeying His instructions through His Holy Word and the Holy Spirit. God can help you get back on your feet. The Bible tells us that God is able to do exceedingly far beyond our expectations,  so be encouraged no matter how bad you think your situation is or how shattered you think your life is. 

One of my late Uncles, Mr. Onukataku Nnabugwu Emenike (ONE) had a saying that was slightly different from the popular: when you fall, make sure you pick up something. His version is: when you fall, don't be in to much of a haste to get up. Though it is important to pick up something, it is more important to carefully scrutinize before picking, for if you do pick too hastily, you might end up picking trash or faeces. 

In life, every situation is an opportunity to learn something (whether it's positive or negative depends on you, how your mind works. If you seek positives,  then positives you shall find, and vice versa), so utilize properly the opportunity, search for possible beneficial things you can pick up and get up with them. It may take some time/more time but I bet you, that time will be worth it because chances are higher that you'll bounce back even better than you were before the fall. 

Dear friends, I'll leave you with this: no matter how hard the fall was, don't lose hope. Remember that everything in life presents an opportunity to learn.  Seek out these opportunities and properly utilize them. The situation can never be totally negative, there must be a, or even some positive aspects of it,  but you'll only be able to see them when you look for them. The Bible says: and you shall find... 

I love you with the love of Christ and I hope you have been encouraged, and your thoughts elevated. 

Do stay tuned for more kingdom and success inspired posts on your darling platform - Naza's Corner. Ensure you leave a comment in the commentary box below, who knows your thoughts might be just what someone needs to be encouraged. Also do well to invite other teens and kids to join this wonderful family of ours. 

Till then, byeeee

Your friend, 


Nnabugwu Chinaza

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